sFWCallback_AllowOleInstance= [wrap]%s (%s) is trying to load and activate an OLE object.[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]Only allow if you know the application is safe.[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]ProgID: %s[/wrap]<br>[wrap]CLSID: %s[/wrap]
sFWCallback_AllowSetWindowsHook= [wrap]%s (%s) is attempting to hook into the system. %s[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]Only allow if you know the application is safe.[/wrap]
sFWCallback_AllowSetWindowsHookToProcess= [wrap]%s (%s) is attempting to hook into %s (%s). %s[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]Only allow if you know the application is safe.[/wrap]
sFWCallback_ApplicationChanged= [wrap]%s (%s) binaries have changed. This may have occurred because you upgraded or changed the application.[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]Allow application to use previous rule only if you know the application is safe.[/wrap]
sFWCallback_ApplicationConnect= [wrap]%s (%s) is trying to access the internet.[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]To allow this application to contact the internet please choose 'Allow' otherwise choose 'Block' to restrict it.[/wrap]
sFWCallback_ApplicationConnectEx= [wrap]%s (%s) is trying to access the internet.[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]Remote Address: %s (%s)[/wrap]<br>[wrap]Remote Port: %d[/wrap]<br>[wrap]Protocol: %s[/wrap]
sFWCallback_ApplicationLaunch= [wrap]%s (%s) is attempting to access the internet by using %s (%s).[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]Only allow if you know the application is safe.[/wrap]
sFWCallback_ApplicationListen= [wrap]%s (%s) is trying to act as a server and accept incoming connections.[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]To accept incoming connections please choose 'Allow' otherwise choose 'Block' to restrict them.[/wrap]
sFWCallback_ApplicationListenEx= [wrap]%s (%s) is trying to act as a server and accept incoming connections.[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]Local Port: %d[/wrap]<br>[wrap]Protocol: %s[/wrap]
sFWCallback_ApplicationMemInject= [wrap]%s (%s) is attempting to inject code into the memory of %s (%s).[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]Only allow if you know the application is safe.[/wrap]
sFWCallback_ApplicationRegModify= [wrap]%s (%s) is attempting to modify the Windows registry.[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]Only allow if you know the application is safe.[/wrap]<br><br>[wrap]Key: %s[/wrap]<br>[wrap]Value Name: %s[/wrap]
sFirewallNotification= <b>Details</b><br>[wrap]%s is attemping to access the Internet. You can either block or allow this request. What would you like to do?[/wrap]<br><br><b>Location</b><br>[wrap]%s[/wrap]
sFirewallNotification_Changed= <b>Details</b><br>[wrap]%s has changed. This may have occurred because you upgraded or changed the application. Do you want to allow this change?[/wrap]<br><br><b>Location</b><br>[wrap]%s[/wrap]
sMessage_Hook_CALLWNDPROC= This hook monitors messages before the system sends them to the destination window procedure.
sMessage_Hook_CALLWNDPROCRET= This hook monitors messages after they have been processed by the destination window procedure.
sMessage_Hook_CBT= This hook receives notifications useful to a computer-based training (CBT) application.
sMessage_Hook_DEBUG= This hook is useful for debugging other hook procedures.
sMessage_Hook_FOREGROUNDIDLE= This hook will be called when the application's foreground thread is about to become idle.
sMessage_Hook_GETMESSAGE= This hook monitors messages posted to a message queue.
sMessage_Hook_JOURNALPLAYBACK= This hook posts messages previously recorded by a WH_JOURNALRECORD hook procedure.
sMessage_Hook_JOURNALRECORD= This hook records input messages posted to the system message queue.
sMessage_Hook_KEYBOARD= This hook monitors keystroke messages.
sMessage_Hook_KEYBOARD_LL= This hook monitors low-level keyboard input events.
sMessage_Hook_MOUSE= This hook monitors mouse messages.
sMessage_Hook_MOUSE_LL= This hook monitors low-level mouse input events.
sMessage_Hook_MSGFILTER= This hook monitors messages generated as a result of an input event in a dialog box, message box, menu, or scroll bar.
sMessage_Hook_SHELL= This hook receives notifications useful to shell applications.
sMessage_Hook_SYSMSGFILTER= This hook monitors messages generated as a result of an input event in a dialog box, message box, menu, or scroll bar. The hook procedure monitors these messages for all applications in the same desktop as the calling thread.
sMessage_Hook_THREADID0= The hook procedure is associated with all existing threads running in the same desktop as the calling thread.
sNotificationTitle= %s is attemping to access the Internet
sGUITitle_SpywareDoctor_AV=<shallow>Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus</shallow>
sGUITitle_SpywareDoctor_FW= <shallow>Spyware Doctor with Firewall</shallow>
sGeneralProtectionInfo= General Protection Information
sLastScanNoRun= No Scan Run
sLastScanResults= Last Scan Result:
sLastScanResultsToReview= Result to review:
sLastScanSomeDaysAgo= %d days ago
sLastScanSomeHoursAgo= Today, %d hours ago
sLastScanToday= Today
sLastScanYesterday= Yesterday
sLastUpdateNoRun= No Update Run
sLastUpdateSomeDaysAgo= %d days ago
sLastUpdateSomeHoursAgo= Today, %d hours ago
sLastUpdateToday= Today
sLastUpdateYesterday= Yesterday
sLessThanOneHour= Less than 1 hour ago
sNextScheduledScan= Next Scheduled Scan:
sNotifyTimedTrialExpire= Your trial period of PC Tools [PRODUCTNAME] has expired.<br><br>To ensure continuous protection against online threats, <a href="%s">purchase now</a>.<br><br>Read more about PC Tools [PRODUCTNAME]'s features <a href="%s">here</a>.
sNotifyTimedTrialExpireInDays= Your trial period of PC Tools [PRODUCTNAME] is expiring in %d day(s).<br><br>To ensure continuous protection against online threats, <a href="%s">purchase now</a>.<br><br>Read more about PC Tools [PRODUCTNAME]'s features <a href="%s">here</a>.
sNotifyTimedTrialExpireToday= Your trial period of PC Tools [PRODUCTNAME] will expire today.<br><br>To ensure continuous protection against online threats, <a href="%s">purchase now</a>.<br><br>Read more about PC Tools [PRODUCTNAME]'s features <a href="%s">here</a>.
sNotifyTimedTrialExpireTomorrow= Your trial period of PC Tools [PRODUCTNAME] will expire tomorrow.<br><br>To ensure continuous protection against online threats, <a href="%s">purchase now</a>.<br><br>Read more about PC Tools [PRODUCTNAME]'s features <a href="%s">here</a>.
sWarningMessageSDAVBothDisabled= You have disabled Anti-Spyware and AntiVirus. Scan and IntelliGuard functionalities will be disabled. Scheduled scans will not run. To re-enable Scan and IntelliGuard functionalities, please enable AntiVirus or Anti-Spyware.
sWarningMessageSDAVBothDisabled_OnGuard= Cannot turn IntelliGuard On because both Anti-Spyware and AntiVirus are disabled. Would you like to enable Anti-Spyware and AntiVirus and turn IntelliGuard On?
sWarningMessageSDAVBothDisabled_Scan= A scan cannot run because both Anti-Spyware and AntiVirus are disabled. Would you like to enable Anti-Spyware and AntiVirus to proceed with the scan?
sInvalidLSPMsg= Layer Service Providers (LSP) installed by [PRODUCTNAME] could not be found. Email protection is now disabled. Please refer to the Help for more information about LSPs
sInvalidLSPTitle= Email Protection Disabled
sInvalidOK= OK
sInvalidRemember= Don't show this again
S_ADVANCED_OPTIONS= Advanced options...
S_APPINIT_DLL= Application libraries...
S_AUTO_PROGRAMSg= Autoloading programs...
S_BROWSER_HELPER= Browser Helper Objects...
S_CLOSING= Closing the opened connection...
S_CONNECTING= Connecting to PCTools Server...Please wait...
S_CURRENT_PROCESS= The current process is
S_DIR_CONTENT= Directories content...
S_DISTRIB_UNITSg= distribution units...
S_DOWNLOADED_PROGRAM_FILES= Downloaded Program Files (DPF)...
S_ENTEREMAIL= Please complete all fields before sending your question. Please provide a valid email address.
S_ENTERNAME= Please complete all fields before sending your question. Please fill in the name field.
S_ENTERQUESTION= Please complete all fields before sending your question. Please enter your question.
S_ENTERTICKET=Please complete all fields before sending your question. Please provide the ticket number from customer support.
S_EXTRA_BUTTONS= Extra buttons on main IE button toolbar...
S_EXTRA_ITEMS= extra items in IE right...
S_HOSTS_REDIRECTION= Hosts redirections...
S_IE_DEFAULT_PREFIX= IE Default Prefix hijacks...
S_IE_EXPLORER= IE Explorer Tool Bars...
S_IE_EXPLORER_BARS= IE Explorer Bars...
S_IE_PLUGINS= IE Plug-Ins...
S_IE_START= IE Start/Search Pages...
S_LAYERED_SERVICE= Service Providers...
S_NAMESPACE_CATALOG= NameSpace Catalog...
S_NAME_SERVER= Name Server Hijacks...
S_NOTIFY_LOCATION= Notify locations...
S_OTHER_DETAILS= Collecting other details...
S_PREPARING= Preparing a connection to PCTools Server....
S_PROTOCOLS= Protocols & protocol filters...
S_READING_PROCESS= Process list and additional details.
S_RECIEVED= Your message has been received and support will contact you shortly if required.
S_MADEXCEPTBOX_EXCEPTMSG= [PRODUCTNAME] has experienced an unexpected error and has been shutdown.[CRLF][CRLF]An Error Report has been generated and it is recommended that you send this[CRLF]report to PC Tools to help diagnose this error and improve the product.[CRLF][CRLF]To continue try re-launching Spyware Doctor, otherwise if this problem persists[CRLF]please contact technical support.
S_MADEXCEPTDLG_WAITTEXT= Please wait a moment...
S_SENDASSIS_DETAILSERRORDESC= in which situation did the error occur?
S_SENDASSIS_MAINTITLE= Send Report Assistant
S_SENDASSIS_SCREENATTACHCHECK= attach a screenshot to the bug report
S_SENDASSIS_SCREENIMGEDIT= (click to edit image)
S_SENDASSIS_SCREENTITLE= Screenshot Configuration
S_SENDPROGRESS_FAILEDSENDMSG= Failed to send the bug report
SDN_Prompt= Suspicious Files Detected. We recommend submitting these to the Malware Research Center for further investigation. Would you like [PRODUCTNAME] to submit these now?
SDN_Title= Secure Community
SDServiceUnavailable= Waiting for [PRODUCTNAME] engine to start...
SDServiceUnavailableTitle= Waiting for [PRODUCTNAME] engine
sActivateForSubscription= Subscription updates will not be available until [PRODUCTNAME] is activated. Activate Now?
sActivateNow= Activate Now...
sActivation= Activation
sActivationCodeHasBeenUsed= You cannot use this activation code as it is already in use.
sActivationCodeSuspended= You cannot use this activation code as it has been suspended.
sActive= Active
sActiveErrorInternetConnection= You cannot activate [PRODUCTNAME] at this time as there is a problem with your Internet connection. You will need to restore your Internet connection before activating this product.
sActiveErrorInternetConnection1= You cannot register [PRODUCTNAME] at this time as there is a problem with your Internet connection. You will need to restore your Internet connection before registering this product.
sActiveUntil= Active until %s
sAddonInactive= Subscription Inactive
sAddonUnknown= Subscription Unknown
sAllowedByUser= Allowed by user
sAvailablePhysicalMemory= Available Physical Memory
sBackgroundRunningHint= Please note that [PRODUCTNAME] is still running in the background.
sBlocked= Blocked
sBlockedByUser= Blocked by user
sButtonRegister= Register
sButtonRenew= Renew
sButtonUpgrade= Upgrade
sCalculating= Calculating...
sCaptionRegister= Register
sCaptionUpgrade= Upgrade
sChecking= Checking...
sCommunicationError= You cannot activate [PRODUCTNAME] at this time as there has been a communication error whilst submitting activation details to PC Tools. Please try again later.
sCommunicationError1= You cannot register [PRODUCTNAME] at this time as there has been a communication error whilst submitting registration details to PC Tools. Please try again later.
sConfirmDoNotCleanInfections= You have not yet cleaned all the infections on your computer. Are you sure you want to continue without cleaning?
sConfirmIgnoreWhiteList= The selected Infections will be removed from here placed into the Global Action List. Continue?
sConfirmRemoveQuarantine= Do you want to remove selected quarantined items?
sConfirmRestoreQuarantine= Do you want to restore selected quarantined items?
sConfirmSaveSettings= Settings have changed. Do you want to save them?
sCouldntFindFile= Could not ensure that file %s exists!
sCouldntGetAbsolutePath= Cannot get absolute path for %s.
sCouldntGetShortNamePath= Cannot get ShortPathName for this path! [%u]
sCouldntGetWindowsDir= Could not get Windows directory! [%u]
sCurrentScanner= %s, %d%% done
sCurrentScannerIdle= Please wait...
sCustomScan= Custom Scan
sCustomScanFailed= Please select scanners before you start a Custom Scan
sDatabaseDownloading= Downloading...
sDatabaseLoading= Loading...
sDatabaseUpdateRequired= Update Required
sDatabaseVersion= Database Version: %s
sDefaultScan= Scan
sDetectNumberHTML= <P align="left"><IMG src="idx:0" align="middle"><FONT color="#FF0000" size="8" face="Arial"><B>There are %d threat(s) and %d infection(s) in your computer</B></FONT></P>
sDisableOnGuard= Disable IntelliGuard
sDisabled= Disabled
sDownloadSDTools= <a href="%s">You can download [PRODUCTNAME] Tools from http://www.pctools.com</a>
sESDRegisterHint= Click Activate to upgrade to the activated version, or Continue using the restricted version.
sEnableOnGuard= Enable IntelliGuard
sEnableOnGuardFirstTimeRunning= IntelliGuard provides real-time protection for your PC against spyware and other Threats. Activate IntelliGuard now? (recommended)
sEnabled= Enabled
sError= Error
sExceptionLoadCDialog= Failed to load cdialogs
sExceptionLoadPWindow= Failed to load pwindow
sExit= Exit
sExpired= Trial period has expired.
sFeature_Disabled= DISABLED
sFeature_Limited= LIMITED
sFeature_Off= OFF
sFeature_On= ON
sFileNotFoundorInvalid= File not found or invalid file name.
sFinalizingScan= Finalising
sFinishingScanTask= [PRODUCTNAME] is completing scan task ...
sFolderNotFoundorInvalid= Folder not found or invalid folder name.
sFormatThreatNameAndItemCount= %s (%d infections)
sFormatTraceItemDisplay= %s (%d infections) - %s
sFullScan= Full Scan
sGUIClickActiveGuardItem= <a href="#">Enable this Guard</a>
sGUIClickActiveOnGuard= <a href="#">Click to activate IntelliGuard</a>
sGUIClickDeactiveGuardItem= <a href="#">Disable this Guard</a>
sGUIClickDeactiveOnGuard= <a href="#">Click to deactivate IntelliGuard</a>
sGUIGuardItemNotAvaliable= <a href="#">Please upgrade to enable</a>
sHelpFileName= euk-sdhelp.chm
sHours= %d hr
sHowToUpgradeToLicensedVersion= Click Upgrade Online to upgrade to the licensed version, or Continue with the current version.
sISTrayHint= PC Tools Internet Security
sIntelliScan= Intelli-Scan
sIntelliSigsVersion= Intelli-Signatures:
sInvalidActivationCode= Invalid activation code.
sInvalidEmailAddress= Invalid email address.
sInvalidError= You cannot activate [PRODUCTNAME] at this time as a unknown error has occured whilst submitting your activation details to PC Tools. Please try again later.
sInvalidError1= You cannot register [PRODUCTNAME] at this time as a unknown error has occured whilst submitting your registration details to PC Tools. Please try again later.
sInvalidRegion= This version of [PRODUCTNAME] is not supported on your environment.[CRLF]This product cannot continue and will now close.[CRLF][CRLF]Please visit www.PCTools.com to download an alternative version.
sInvalidUserOrActivationCode= You have entered an invalid user name or activation code. Please try again.
sInvalidUserOrLicense= You have entered an invalid user name or license code. Please try again.
sMsgConfirmClear= Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?
sMsgHistoryConfirmClear= Are you sure you want to clear all of history?
sMsgNoAction= No action for this item
sNoConnect= No Connection
sNoDatabaseMsg= This functionality is not available until the database is updated. In order to update the database, run Smart Update and download the latest updates. Updates will be downloaded automatically if "Download and Install Updates" option is selected in settings.
sNoInfectionsFound= <b><Font color="#008000" size="14">Congratulations, no threats detected!</Font><br>Your PC is free from infections! For maximum protection against threats ensure regular scans are scheduled to run. <a href="#">Click here</a> to visit the scheduler.</b>
sNoThreatsFound= No threats detected so far
sNodeItem_QuarantineCreateDateTime= Quarantine created on : %s
sNodeItem_QuarantineNumberOfItem= Number of items : %d
sNode_QuarantineGeneralInformation= General Information
sNode_ThreatDescription= Threat Description:
sNotAvailable= Not Available
sNotInstalled= Not Installed
sNotRegistered= Not Registered
sNotRemoveAllInfections= <b><Font size="14" color="#FF0000">Warning! Not all infections were removed!</Font><br>Your PC still contains some infections. <a href="#Scan">Click here</a> to go back and re-assess the threats or click the finish button to ignore.</Font></b>
sNotifyExpiredLicenseText= Your subscription has expired. Your computer is now AT RISK from new spyware and malware threats. Please click "Yes" to renew your subscription now!
sNotifyExpiredLicenseTitle= Expired subscription
sNotifyExpiringLicenseText= Your subscription will expire in %d day(s). To ensure continued protection against new spyware and malware threats please renew your subscription now.
sNotifyExpiringLicenseTextA= Your subscription will expire tomorrow. To ensure continued protection against new spyware and malware threats please renew your subscription now.
sNotifyExpiringLicenseTextB= Your subscription will expire in %d day. To ensure continued protection against new spyware and malware threats please renew your subscription now.
sOT_BROWSER_TMPFILE= Browser Internet Temporary File
sOT_CLSID= COM Object Identification
sOT_FAVOURITE= Browser Favourite
sOT_FILE= File
sOT_FOLDER= Folder
sOT_IPADDR= IP Address
sOT_LSP= Layered Service Providers
sOT_PROCESS= Process
sOT_REGKEY= Registry Key
sOT_REGMODIFYVALUE= Registry Value to be Repaired
sOT_REGVALUE= Registry Value
sOT_SCRIPT= Script
sOT_STARTUP= Startup Program
sOT_UNKNOWN= Unknown Object Type
sOnGuardAdvanceSetting= Advanced Settings
sOnGuardStartEditionUpgrade= [PRODUCTNAME] Starter Edition includes limited real-time protection. We recommend you <a href="#">upgrade</a> to activate the additional IntelliGuard features.
sOnGuardTimeout= Turn off IntelliGuard for %d minutes
sOnGuardTimeoutNever= Permanently turn off IntelliGuard (not recommended)
sOnGuardToolsDescription= <b>IntelliGuard Tools</b><br><br>The list on the left contains IntelliGuard tools that intercept any real-time attempts to compromise your computer. Select a tool of interest for more options.
sOperatingSystem= Operating System
sPauseScan= Pause Scan
sPleaseSelectScannerBeforeCustomeScan= Please select scanners before you start a custom scan
sPreparingScanTask= [PRODUCTNAME] is preparing scan task ...
sPurchaseRegisterHint= To purchase [PRODUCTNAME], please click Purchase Online. Registered users, please enter your registration and license details below to activate the full version.
sQuarantineThreatsFailed= Some threats have not been quarantined successfully.
sQuarantined= Quarantined
sQuarantinedByUser= Quarantined by user
sRegister= Register %s
sRegisterHelpLink= <a href="#">Need help registering?</a>
sRegisterSuccessfully= Thank you, %s has been successfully registered! We recommend you run Smart Update to ensure you have the latest release, would you like to check for updates now?
sRegisterToRemoveInfections= <b><Font color="#FF0000" size="14">Warning! Your computer is still at risk</Font><br><Font color="#FF0000">Infections detected will not be removed in this free evaluation version of [PRODUCTNAME]. Register now to repair all detected infections.</b></Font>
sReloadingDatabase= [PRODUCTNAME] is reloading database ...
sRememberMyAnswer= Remember my answer
sRemoveQuarantineFail= Some quarantined items have not been fully removed.
sRemoveThreatsFailed= Some threats have not been cleaned successfully.
sRenewToRemoveInfections= <b><Font color="#FF0000" size="14">Warning! Your computer is still at risk</Font><br><Font color="#FF0000">Infections detected will not be removed in this expired version of [PRODUCTNAME]. Renew now to repair all detected infections.</b></Font>
sRequireActivatedESDVersion= Enhanced program features require an activated version of [PRODUCTNAME].
sRequireActivatedRetailVersion= Activate real-time protection and subscription updates.
sRequireLicensedConsumerVersion= Removal of detected threats requires a registered version of [PRODUCTNAME].
sRequireLicensedVersion= Enhanced program features require a licensed version of [PRODUCTNAME].
sRestoreQuarantineFail= Some quarantined items have not been fully restored.
sResumeScan= Resume Scan
sRetailRegisterHint= Please enter details below to activate IntelliGuard real-time protection and to receive the latest subscription updates. Your activation code is provided with [PRODUCTNAME].
sRetailRegisterHint2= Please enter your details below to activate [PRODUCTNAME] and receive full product updates. Your activation code is provided with [PRODUCTNAME].
sSDToolsDescription= [PRODUCTNAME]'s Tools allow you to view and alter areas of your system which are likely to be affected by malware infections.
sSDTrayHint= PC Tools Spyware Doctor
sSURebootRequiredQuestion= A Reboot is required to install available updates. Would you like to reboot your computer now?
sSafeModeCannotScan= Scanning in Safe Mode is not recommended. Only use this option if you are unable to perform a scan in Normal Mode or if you have been specifically instructed by Support. For best results, please reboot into Normal Mode and run a Scan.
sScanAlreadyRunning= A scan task is currently running. Please try again later.
sScanClean= clean
sScanInfectionsFound= %.0n threat(s) and %.0n infection(s) found
sScanInfectionsNotFound= No infections detected so far. Please wait for the scan to complete
sScanInfectionsNumber= %d infection(s)
sScanInfectionsSoFar= Threats detected so far on your PC:
sScanInterrupted= interrupted
sScanNone= none
sScanProgress= %s in progress...
sScanStartFailed= Failed to start scan task
sScanTaksFinished= Scan task has been completed
sScanningTitle= Scanning entry:
sScanningWithTool= Scanning with the tool:
sSeconds= %d sec
sSingleCPU= single CPU
sSpecialSymbolNotAllowed= You have used the "%s" symbol, which is not allowed.
sSubscription= Checking Subscription...
sSubscriptionActive= Subscription Active
sSubscriptionChecking= Checking...
sSubscriptionDisabled= Disabled
sSubscriptionExpired= Subscription Expired
sSubscriptionInvalid= Invalid
sSubscriptionInvalidLicense= Invalid License
sSubscriptionRemainDays= Subscription expires in %d day(s)
sSubscriptionTrail= Trial Subscription
sSuccessfulRemoveInfections= <b><Font color="#008000" size="14">Congratulations, all infections successfully removed!</Font><br>Your PC is free from infections! For maximum protection against threats ensure regular scans are scheduled to run. <a href="#">Click here</a> to visit the scheduler.</b>
sSvcStatusRestarting= <FONT color="#404040" face="Arial Narrow">System Status:</FONT> <FONT color="#FF0000" face="Arial Narrow">[PRODUCTNAME] engine is restarting in %ds</FONT>
sTimedTrialRegisterHint= To begin using your free trial of [PRODUCTNAME] please provide your name and e-mail address below. By registering you will receive updates and information from PC Tools in regards to your trial software.
sToBeImplemented= To be implemented
sTotalPhysicalMemory= Total Physical Memory
sTotalProgress= Total Progress: %d%%
sTypeActionTextGlobal= Permanent
sTypeActionTextSession= Session
sUnknown= Unknown
sUnknownError= You cannot activate [PRODUCTNAME] at this time as a problem has occured whilst submitting your activation details to PC Tools. Please try again later.
sUnknownError1= You cannot register [PRODUCTNAME] at this time as a problem has occured whilst submitting your registration details to PC Tools. Please try again later.
sUpgradeHelpLink= <a href="#">Need help upgrading?</a>
sUpgradeNow= Upgrade Now
sUpgradeOnline= Upgrade Online
sUpgradeRegisterHint= To upgrade [PRODUCTNAME], please click Upgrade Now. Registered users, please enter your registration and license details below to activate the full version.
Description= Behaviour Guard, powered by ThreatFire™, protects your PC against zero-day viruses, spyware, worms, Trojans and other malware by detecting malicious activity.<br><br>Behavior Guard provides the following:<br><br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Protection against zero-day threats<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Detects and blocks malicious behaviour<br><br><br>
ErrorAction= Unknown action
ErrorContact= Error: Unable to contact the ThreatFire service, please reinstall.
ErrorDanger= Unknown danger
ErrorRisk= Unknown risk
LogConnected= Successfully initialised the ThreatFire engine.
LogEntryMalware= <b>Threat Name</b>: %threat%<BR><b>Details</b>: [wrap]Behavior Guard has detected and stopped malicious activity from a known threat[/wrap]<BR><b>Infection</b>: [wrap]%proc%[/wrap]
PromptFormat= Behavior Guard detected suspicious activity in <b>[wrap]%apptitle%[/wrap]</b> ([wrap]%proc%[/wrap]).<BR><BR>%act%<BR><BR>Unless you are expecting this behavior we recommend you block this action.
Description= Browser Guard protects your Internet browser by detecting and blocking malicious changes from being made to your settings and by guarding against browser hijackers and malicious add-ons.<br><br>Browser Guard protects the following:<br><br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Your Favourites, Browser Home page and Search pages<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Browser Toolbars, Add-ons and Plug-ins Trusted sites list<br>
Name= Browser Guard
sLocationStartup= Inspecting Browser Items (%d%%)
sSCANNER_BROWSER_DESCRIPTION= Complete scan for browser hijackers
sSCANNER_LOCATION_DPFILE= Downloaded Program Files:
Description= Cookie Guard monitors your web browsers for potentially malicious tracking and advertising cookies and removes them automatically.<br><br>Cookie Guard monitors and blocks the following:<br><br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Potentially malicious cookies from browsers including Microsoft® Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox<br>
sCookieGuardLogCookie= Cookie Guard has blocked a bad cookie.
sCookieGuardLogCookieDetail= Domain: %s, IP Address: %s, Cookie: %s
sCookieGuardLogStatus= Blocked a bad Cookie
sCookieGuardLogSummary= Cookie Guard Events
Description= Email Guard scans and disinfects malicious attachments in your incoming and outgoing emails. It is compatible with popular email clients including Outlook Express and Netscape Mail.<br><br>Email Guard monitors and blocks the following:<br><br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Sending and receiving unsafe e-mail attachments<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols<br>
Name= Email Guard
UIXML= <GUI_RENDER xmlns="http://www.pctools.com" Company="PC Tools"><CheckBox Name="cbScanIncoming" Left="0" Top="0" Width="300" Height="17" Caption="Scan e-mail messages when you receive them" Checked="%s" Tag="1" Enabled="True"/><CheckBox Name="cbScanOutgoing" Left="0" Top="21" Width="300" Height="17" Caption="Scan e-mail messages when you send them" Checked="%s" Tag="2" Enabled="True"/><CheckBox Name="cbMarkEmail" Left="0" Top="42" Width="300" Height="17" Caption="Mark e-mail messages as checked by [PRODUCTNAME]" Checked="%s" Tag="3" Enabled="%s"/><Label Name="lblMarkEmailNote" Left="32" Top="63" Width="300" Height="33" Caption="NOTE: You can disable this option once you register [PRODUCTNAME]" Tag="4" Enabled="True" WordWrap="True" Visible="%s"/></GUI_RENDER>
sCleanedAttText= PC Tools [PRODUCTNAME] detected and removed an infected attachment in this email.
sEmailGuardLogStatus= Detect and disinfect malicious attachments in e-mail
sEmailGuardLogSummary= Content Guard Events
sEmailGuardNotification= [PRODUCTNAME] has detected and disinfected some malicious attachments in an %s.<br><br><b>Malicious Attachments:</b><br>%s
sMarkEmail_RTF= [CRLF][CRLF]E-mail message checked by [PRODUCTNAME] (%sd_version%)[CRLF]Database version: %db_version%[CRLF]http://www.pctools.com/%s/[PRODUCTNAMEURL]/[CRLF]
sMarkEmail_TEXT= [CRLF][CRLF]E-mail message checked by [PRODUCTNAME] (%sd_version%)[CRLF]Database version: %db_version%[CRLF]http://www.pctools.com/%s/[PRODUCTNAMEURL]/[CRLF]
sNotificationTitle= Malicious Attachment Blocked
sOutgoingEmail= outgoing e-mail
Description= File Guard monitors for any malicious files on your system and prevents them from being accessed. File Guard also blocks attempts to open unsafe attachments in Microsoft® Outlook® and other e-mail clients.<br><br>File Guard monitors and blocks the following:<br><br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Launching a malicious application<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Accessing, copying or moving a malicious file<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Opening unsafe e-mail attachments<br>
HookLevelCaption=Check the following:
HookLevelProcessAndFile=All Files and Processes
HookLevelProcessAndScripts=Processes and Scripts
HookLevelProcessOnly=Processes Only
Name= File Guard
sFQFNScannerDescription= Scans system folders and known files
sFQFNScannerName= Known Files Scanner
sFileScannerDescription= Complete scan for all fixed drives
Description= Host Guard monitors for malicious TCP/IP Windows Host file changes on your system and removes them.
Name= Host Guard
sHostScannerDescription= Scans the Windows Hosts file for malicious entries
sHostScannerName= Hosts Scanner
sNotificationMessageHost= [PRODUCTNAME] has detected and removed a malicious entry (%s, %s) from the Windows Host file.
sNotificationTitleHost= System event blocked
Description= Immuniser Guard ensures that your computer is immunised against the latest ActiveX-based threats that may sneak into your PC.
Name= Immuniser Guard
Description= Keylogger Guard blocks malicious 'Keylogger' programs that can record your keystrokes and personal information. Keylogger Guard can also detect custom made keyloggers based on their behaviour.<br><br>Keylogger Guard protects based on the following levels:<br><br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> <b>High</b> - block all applications that monitor keystrokes<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> <b>Normal</b> - block suspected malicious keyloggers<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> <b>Low</b> - block only the most obvious hidden keyloggers<br>
sLogDescriptionText= Keylogger Guard has detected the following Keylogger program recording your keystrokes.
sLogStatusText= Blocked a Keylogger program from recording your keystrokes
sLogSummaryText= Keylogger Guard Events
sNotificationDescription= [PRODUCTNAME] has detected a potential malicious process. Do you want to terminate this process?<br><br>[wrap]<b>Location: </b>%s[/wrap]
sNotificationTitle= Malicious Action Intercepted
Description= Network Guard blocks malicious changes to your network settings to stop threats from hijacking your network connection. Network Guard protects the following locations:<br><br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> The Windows Hosts File<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Layered Service Providers (LSPs)<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Domain Name System (DNS) settings<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Windows Messenger Service<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Network Registry Settings<br>
Description= Popup Blocker blocks most unwanted popup advertisements from appearing on websites viewed with Internet Explorer.
Name= Popup Blocker
sAlertMeOnce= Alert me once per page
sOnBlocked= On popup blocked
sPUAlert= Alert me
sPULogHeader= A popup has been blocked.
sPUNothing= Do nothing
sPUNotification= A popup has been blocked from %s.
sPUPlaySound= Play sound
Description= Process Guard detects and blocks malicious hidden processes, such as rootkits, from running on your system. Rootkits are technology that can be used to hide threats on a compromised system.<br><br>Process Guard detects the following:<br><br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Malicious hidden processes<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Rootkits<br>
Name= Process Guard
sDetectedActionIgnore= temporarily ignore
sDetectedActionIgnoreP= permanently ignore
sDetectedActionRemove= remove
sDetectedLogMsgFmt= [PRODUCTNAME] has detected a hidden process: %s. The user action taken was to %s the process.
sDetectedLogTitle= IntelliGuard: Hidden Process Detected
sNotificationMessageProcess= Process Guard detected hidden process %s running on your computer. Would you like [PRODUCTNAME] to delete it on next reboot?
sProcessScannerDescription= Scans running processes for infections
sProcessScannerName= Process Scanner
Description= Program Guard starts commonly exploited applications with reduced privileges to reduce their risk of exploitation by malicious software.
sRegistryScannerDescription= Scans the Windows Registry for malicious entries
sRegistryScannerName= Registry Scanner
sSCANNER_SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION= Executes scripts to detect complex infections
Description= Site Guard monitors and blocks access to potentially malicious web sites. Site Guard works with all web-enabled programs on your system including Internet browsers, Instant Messengers (IM), and e-mail clients.<br><br>Site Guard monitors and blocks the following:<br><br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Downloads from suspicious sites<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Suspected spyware sites<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Phishing sites<br>
sSiteGuardLogURL= Site Guard has blocked access to a bad website
Description= Startup Guard monitors and blocks malicious applications from configuring themselves to automatically start on your system.<br><br>Startup Guard monitors the following locations:<br><br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Windows Startup folder<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Windows registry<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Windows startup files<br> <IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Windows Shared Task Scheduler<br>
Name= Startup Guard
sLocationStartup= Inspecting start up points (%d%%)
sStartupScannerDescription= Complete scan of startup locations
sStartupScannerName= Startup Scanner
CustomScan= Custom Scan
ForceRebootMsg= [PRODUCTNAME] requires a Windows Reboot to complete the removal of some infections. Please close all running applications, then close this window to Reboot.
ForceRebootSafeModeScanMsg= [PRODUCTNAME] requires another %s when Windows is in Safe mode. Press F8 before Windows starts, choose Safe Mode and then run the [PRODUCTNAME] scan again. Please close all running applications, then close this window to Reboot.
ForceRebootScanMsg= [PRODUCTNAME] requires a Windows Reboot to complete the removal of some infections. Another %s will start immediately when [PRODUCTNAME] next starts. Please close any running applications, then close this window to Reboot.
FsLocSURebootMsg= [PRODUCTNAME] requires a reboot in order to finish installing Smart Updates. <br><br>Please save your work and close any running applications before you reboot.
FullScan= Full Scan
QuickScan= Intelli-Scan
RebootRequiredTitle= Reboot Required
RebootScanRequiredTitle= Reboot and Scan Required
SafeModeRequiredTitle= Safe Mode Scan Required
SoftRebootMsg= [PRODUCTNAME] requires a Windows Reboot to complete the removal of some infections. Would you like to reboot now?
SoftRebootSafeModeScanMsg= [PRODUCTNAME] requires another %s when Windows is in Safe mode. Please press F8 before Windows starts, choose Safe Mode and run the [PRODUCTNAME] scan again. Would you like to reboot now?
SoftRebootScanMsg= [PRODUCTNAME] requires a Windows Reboot to complete the removal of some infections. Another %s will start immediately when [PRODUCTNAME] next starts. Would you like to reboot now?
sNotifyActivationButtonText= Activate Now
sNotifyActivationLicenseText= You need to activate [PRODUCTNAME] to keep it up-to-date with latest subscription updates.
sNotifyActivationLicenseTitle= Activate for subscription updates
logRebootScanStartMsg= Initialising Scan required from previous run
logRebootScanStartTitle= Starting Scan
logServiceStartMsg= [PRODUCTNAME] Service Application started
logServiceStartTitle= Service Started
logServiceStopMsg= [PRODUCTNAME] Service Application Stopped
logServiceStopTitle= Service Stopped
logStartupScanNoStartMsg= Startup scan not started
logTaskTaskSkipped= Scheduled task %s skipped - another scan is already running.
logTaskTitleSkip= Scheduled Scan Skipped
logTaskUpdateCheck= Search for Updates
logTaskUpdateDownload= Search and Download Updates
MessageCaptionFail= Error
MessageTextFail= An error occurred while trying to %s %s: %s (error code: %u).
NonAdminLoad= [PCTPRODUCTNAME] was previously disabled. Please log in as an administrator to re-enable [PCTPRODUCTNAME].
ProgressCancel= &Cancel
ProgressCaption= Please Wait...
ProgressDisable= disable
ProgressDisabling= Disabling
ProgressEnable= enable
ProgressEnabling= Enabling
ProgressMutex= Waiting for %s to shut down...
ProgressProcessing= Processing...
ProgressProduct= [PCTPRODUCTNAME]
ProgressSDDrv= %s Drivers
ProgressSDMain= the %s User Interface
ProgressSDStartup= %s System Startup
ProgressSDSvc= %s Services
ProgressSDTray= the %s Tray Application
PromptLoad= [PCTPRODUCTNAME] was previously disabled. Would you like to re-enable [PCTPRODUCTNAME]?
PromptUnLoad= Are you sure you want to close down [PCTPRODUCTNAME]? This will disable its protection features and leave your system vulnerable to malware (to completely shutdown [PCTPRODUCTNAME], your computer must also be restarted).
sLocCustomScanNoScannersMsg= No Custom Scanners were selected. Please choose which scanners to use in [PRODUCTNAME] Custom Scan page.
sLocScanTaskAbourtNoScannersLogMsg= Scan Task aborted. No Custom Scanners were found selected.
sLocScanTaskNoScannersMsg= The requested scan did not start, no scanners found.
sLocScanTaskNotStartedTitle= Scan task skipped
FsHistoryLogFailedDownloadError= Smart update has experienced a download error. Please try again later.
FsHistoryLogFailedFileError= Smart update has experience a file error whilst installing. Please try again later.
FsHistoryLogFailedNoInternetConnection= Smart update was unable to run because a internet connection was not found. Please check your network settings and try again.
FsHistoryLogFailedSubscriptionDisabled= Smart Update was unable to run because your license has been disabled. Please contact support for further assistance
FsHistoryLogFailedSubscriptionExpired= Smart Update was unable to run because your subscription has expired. Please renew your subscipriton to continue recieving updates.
FsHistoryLogFailedSubscriptionInvalid= Smart Update was unable to run because your license is invalid. Please contact support for further assistance.
FsHistoryLogFailedUnknown= Smart Update has experienced a unknown error. Errorcode
FsHistoryLogFailedXMLError= Smart update has experienced an errror whilst retrieving update list. Please try again later.
FsHistoryLogTitle= Smart Update
SNotifyUpdateCompleteDescription= [PRODUCTNAME] is now up to date.
sDriverInstallFailureMsg= Smart Update has failed to install Network Layer Driver updates for [PRODUCTNAME]
sLSPInstallFailureMsg= Smart Update has failed to install Layered Service Provider (LSP) updates for [PRODUCTNAME]
sNLayerGeneralFailureMsg= Smart Update has failed to install Network Layer updates for [PRODUCTNAME]
sNLayerGeneralFailureTitle= Smart Update Failure
sNotifyRebootRequiredDescription= [PRODUCTNAME] requires a system restart to finish installing updates.<br><br>Please save your work and close any running applications before you restart.
sNotifyRebootRequiredTitle= Reboot Required
sNotifyUpdateCompleteTitle= Smart Update Complete
sNotifyUpdateFailedFileError= Smart Update was unable to connect to the server to retrieve new updates.<br><br>Please check your connection to the Internet.<br><br>Check History for further details.
sNotifyUpdateFailedSubscriptionDisabled= Your [PRODUCTNAME] license has been disabled. Please contact customer support.
sNotifyUpdateFailedSubscriptionExpired= Your [PRODUCTNAME] subscription has expired. Please renew your subscription to continue receiving updates.
sNotifyUpdateFailedSubscriptionInvalid= Your [PRODUCTNAME] license is invalid. Please contact customer support.
sNotifyUpdateFailedTitle= Smart Update Failed
sNotifyUpdateFailedUnknown= An unknown error has occurred. Error code
sNotifyUpdateProceedDescription= [PRODUCTNAME] has new updates available for download. Do you wish to proceed?
sNotifyUpdateProceedTitle= Smart Updates Available
sSmartUpdateRunningInBackground= Smart Update is already running in the background.
IDSACTION0= This program is behaving in a malware type manner.
IDSACTION1= This program is attempting to register itself in your "Windows System Startup" list. A program in this list will automatically load and operate every time you start up your computer.
IDSACTION10= This program is attempting to change your security settings and privacy levels by modifying which websites are "trusted" by Internet Explorer.
IDSACTION11= This program is attempting to connect to the Internet in a suspicious manner to send out emails.
IDSACTION12= This program is attempting to connect to the Internet in a suspicious or unexpected manner.
IDSACTION13= This program is an "executable" file attempting to misrepresent itself as a ".PIF" file. This file will perform an action or set of actions on your computer if you permit it to proceed.
IDSACTION14= This program is attempting to copy an "executable" file to a sensitive area of your system. This file will perform an action or set of actions on your computer if the copy completes.
IDSACTION15= This program is attempting to alter the "user privileges" on your computer. This will change your ability to add/remove programs or otherwise manage your system.
IDSACTION16= This program is attempting to shut down your firewall, antivirus or anti-spyware protection.
IDSACTION17= This program is attempting to modify your computer so that another computer can access it.
IDSACTION18= This program is attempting to copy another program to an area of your computer that shares files with other computers.
IDSACTION19= This program is attempting to change the location from which you share files with other computers.
IDSACTION2= This program is attempting to manipulate, modify or tamper with another program currently running on your computer.
IDSACTION20= This program is attempting to change your security settings, privacy levels or personal options on Internet Explorer.
IDSACTION21= This program is attempting to modify your computer so that a file will run without your consent.
IDSACTION22= This program is attempting to remove an icon and its associated functionality from the Windows Control Panel.
IDSACTION23= This program is attempting to disable Windows File Protection.
IDSACTION24= This program is attempting to restrict your access to other programs.
IDSACTION25= This program is attempting to disable the Registry editing tools that manage your Windows and program settings.
IDSACTION26= This program is attempting to disable your Control-Alt-Delete function.
IDSACTION27= This program is attempting to disguise itself as a protected application.
IDSACTION28= This program is attempting to install a component that can monitor or manipulate your system activity.
IDSACTION29= This program is attempting to execute instructions from an unauthorized area of your computer.
IDSACTION3= This program is attempting to modify the way your computer communicates with the internet.
IDSACTION30= This program is attempting to manipulate, modify or tamper with another program on your computer.
IDSACTION31= This program is attempting to hide a certain process from the Windows Task Manager.
IDSACTION32= This program is attempting to hide a certain file from your view.
IDSACTION33= This program is attempting to launch a web browser.
IDSACTION34= This program is unexpectedly attempting to send information off your system.
IDSACTION35= This program is logging keystrokes.
IDSACTION36= This program is attempting to access protected historical browsing information on your computer.
IDSACTION37= This program is attempting to take control of your web browser.
IDSACTION38= This program is attempting to take an unauthorized snapshot of your current active window.
IDSACTION39= This program is attempting to launch a malicious program.
IDSACTION4= This program is attempting to launch another program hidden in the background, different from the initial program you clicked on.
IDSACTION40= This program is an "executable" file attempting to misrepresent itself as a ".CMD" file. This file will perform an action or set of actions on your computer if you permit it to proceed.
IDSACTION41= Your web browser is attempting to launch a program in an unusual way.
IDSACTION42= This program is attempting to activate or install a driver
IDSACTION43= An executable program is being created in an alternate data stream.
IDSACTION44= This program has an unusual autorun entry on a removable drive.
IDSACTION45= This program is changing the firewall exception list.
IDSACTION46= This program is accessing raw disk sectors.
IDSACTION47= The web page is being altered in a suspicious way.
IDSACTION5= This program is attempting to change your security settings, privacy levels or personal options on Internet Explorer.
IDSACTION6= This program is attempting to modify the way your computer communicates with the internet or monitor the information your computer is transmitting.
IDSACTION7= This program is attempting to copy itself to multiple locations on your computer.
IDSACTION8= This program is attempting to change your Internet Explorer Home Page.
IDSACTION9= This program is attempting to change your Search settings for Internet Explorer.
IDSRISK0= UNKNOWN. The risk level of this type of malware is unknown at this time.
IDSRISK1= MODERATE. This action might represent a threat to your system security However, it is not uncommon for legitimate and trustworthy programs to perform this action as well.
IDSRISK2= HIGH. This action might represent a threat to your system security. Some legitimate and trustworthy programs perform this action, but it is not common.
IDSRISK3= VERY HIGH. This is a highly suspicious action which represents a threat to your system security. Most legitimate and trustworthy programs do not perform this action.
IDSTHREAT0= This attack typically appears in malware.
IDSTHREAT1= This attack typically appears in viruses, spyware, adware, worms and trojans.
IDSTHREAT10= This attack typically appears in trojans.
IDSTHREAT11= This attack typically appears in worms.
IDSTHREAT12= This attack typically appears in spyware, adware and trojans.
IDSTHREAT13= This attack typically appears in worms and buffer overflow exploits.
IDSTHREAT14= This attack typically appears in trojans, viruses and spyware.
IDSTHREAT15= This attack typically appears in trojans and rootkits.
IDSTHREAT16= This attack typically appears in rootkits.
IDSTHREAT17= This attack typically appears in viruses and trojans.
IDSTHREAT18= This attack typically appears in worms, trojans and spyware.
IDSTHREAT2= This attack typically appears in adware and trojans.
IDSTHREAT3= This attack typically appears in adware.
IDSTHREAT4= This attack typically appears in spyware and adware.
IDSTHREAT5= This attack typically appears in viruses, spyware and adware.
IDSTHREAT6= This attack typically appears in trojans, viruses and some types of adware.
IDSTHREAT7= This attack typically appears in adware, trojans and worms.
IDSTHREAT8= This attack typically appears in worms, trojans and viruses.
IDSTHREAT9= This attack typically appears in trojans and worms.
Adware= a potentially unwanted adware program designed to deliver various advertisements to the users’ systems
Backdoor= a malicious backdoor trojan that runs in the background and allows remote access to the compromised system
Dialer= a dialer that uses a modem to dial high-cost phone number(s)
Downloader= a program that downloads malicious files to the local computer and then executes them
Exploit= exploit code that takes advantage of an existing software vulnerability
Hacktool= a hacktool that could be used by attackers to break into a system
Hijacker= a program that can be used to hijack certain aspects of users’ web browser functionality (such as homepage, search page, and security settings)
Info= a generic category that exists for information purposes only
Keylogger= a keylogger program that can capture all user keystrokes (including confidential details such username, password, credit card number, etc.)
MonitoringSoftware= monitoring software that is designed to run in stealth mode and monitor users’ activity
RogueAntiSpyware= a rogue antispyware application that uses aggressive and deceptive advertising along with false detections to persuade users to download and purchase their product
Rootkit= code with rootkit-specific techniques designed to hide the software presence in the system
Spyware= a spyware program that represents security risk for a local system
Trojan= a malicious trojan horse that may represent security risk for the compromised system and/or its network environment
Virus= a virus capable of modifying other files by infecting, prepending, or overwriting them with its own body
Worm= a network-aware worm that attempts to replicate across the existing network
BoilerAKA1= The threat is also known as:
BoilerCharactersticsHdr1= In addition, the detected sample contains the following characteristics:
Adware= A potentially unwanted adware program that could be used to display various pop-up advertisements
Application= A legitimate application. Under certain circumstances, however, some people may find it undesirable.
Backdoor= A malicious application that runs in the background and allows remote access to your system, giving the attacker full control
Constructor= A virus or trojan creation toolkit
Dialer= Acts as a dialer by calling a high-cost phone number using a modem
Downloader= Attempts to download malicious files to the local computer and execute them
EmailFlooder= A malicious application that allows an attacker to send out massive amount of email or SPAM to specific targets
EmailWorm= A mass-mailing application that propagates from one system to another by creating a new email message, attaching itself and then sending the message without the user’s consent
Exploit= A detection of the code that takes advantage of an existing software vulnerability
Flooder= A threat that is capable to cause Denial-Of-Service attacks against other computer systems
Hacktool= A malicious application that could be used by attackers to break into a system
IMFlooder= A threat that is capable of causing Denial-Of-Service attacks against other instant messenger client systems
IMWorm= Uses infected computers to send out messages via instant messenger client application
IRCWorm= A malicious application that utilizes the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network to replicate and infect other systems
NetWorm= A network-aware worm that attempts to replicate and infect other systems across the existing network
Nuker= A network-aware trojan that allows an attacker to compromise a selected computer connected to Internet
P2PWorm= A network-aware worm that attempts to replicate across peer-to-peer (P2P) networks
PWSTool= A potentially unsafe program designed to access the passwords in your system
PornDialer= A dialer that calls high-cost phone numbers associated with services offering pornographic content
PornDownloader= Attempts to download pornographic content to the local computer
PornTool= An application designed to access pornographic content on a remote server
RogueAntiSpyware= A rogue anti-spyware application which uses aggressive and deceptive advertising along with false detections to persuade users to download and purchase their product
Rootkit= A threat that relies on rootkit-specific techniques in order to hide its presence in the system
SMSFlooder= A threat that is capable of causing Denial-Of-Service attacks against systems by flooding them with SMS messages
SpamTool= An application used to send Spam or mass emails
Spoofer= An application that is capable of concealing certain characteristics present in network communications by replacing their original values with fake values
Spyware= A spyware program that represents security risk for your computer
Trojan= A malicious program that may represent a security risk for your computer or network environment
TrojanAOL= A malicious program that uses America On-Line front-end system
TrojanArcBomb= A detection for an application that contains archived files coded to compromise the decompressor when it attempts to open the infected archived file
TrojanClicker= A threat that attempts to redirect compromised computer to some other advertisement websites
TrojanDDOS= A threat that is capable of performing Denial-of-Service attacks against other systems
TrojanDownloader= Attempts to download malicious files to the local computer and execute them
TrojanDropper= A threat that drops malicious files
TrojanIM= A malicious program that relies on instant messenger client application
TrojanMSN= A malicious program that relies on MSN messenger application
TrojanNotifier= A malicious program that is capable of notifying Remote Client with installation details of the current system
TrojanPWS= A malicious application that attempts to steal passwords, login details, and other confidential information
TrojanProxy= A threat that compromises the computer by opening a proxy server on it
TrojanSpy= A malicious application that attempts to steal passwords, login details, and other confidential information
Virus= A Computer Virus that modifies other files by infecting, modifying or overwriting them with its own body
Worm= A network-aware worm that attempts to replicate across the existing network
lblTotalSignaturesStatic= Signatures in the database:
lblTotalSignaturesValue= checking...
lblWarning= Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorised reproduction or distribution may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
lbllLastUpdatedValue= checking...
lvDetails= Item,Value
memRegInfo= Unregistered
sAboutVersionPrefix= 2009 (%s)
btnContinue= Continue Removal
btnNotRemove= Don't Remove
cbNotShowAgain= Don't show this message again
frmDisclaimer= Legal Notice
lblLegalText= Please note that the removal of certain detected items from your computer may result in you ceasing to be authorised to continue using the host programs which originally installed those items and may result in the host program ceasing to operate. Please read the relevant licence agreements for the host programs for further information. If you remove the detected items and encounter problems running the host programs please refer to the Quarantine feature.
btnCancel= Cancel
btnOK= OK
frmDiskTree= Select Folders to Scan
lblIntroduce= Please select the drives and folders to be scanned by File Scanner:
miClearSelection= Clear &Selection
miSelectAll= Select &All
miSelectCDROMDrives= Select &CD-ROM Drives
miSelectCommonFolders= Select Common &Folders
miSelectFixedDrives= Select &Fixed Drives
miSelectRemovableDrives= Select &Removable Drives
btnQuit= Exit
btnRetry= Retry
frmErrNoService= Cannot connect to Service
hlblErrMsg= [PRODUCTNAME] is unable to connect to its service. Please restart the service and click Retry. Otherwise, click Exit to quit.
Label2=Please give a brief description of the symptoms of the Malware infection. (Please do not continue if your computer is showing no symptoms of a Malware infection).
Label3=Your name:
Label4=Your e-mail address:
cbSendLogs=Send log files to help find the problem more quickly
lblFinish1=Completing the Malware Detective Wizard
lblFinish2=You have successfully completed the Malware Detective Wizard.
lblFinish3=Click "Send Report" to continue.
lblProgress11=Collecting information about your system...
lblProgress12=Please wait until the Wizard collects the required information from your computer.
lblProgress3=To stop this operation, press "Cancel".
lblWelcome1=Welcome to the Malware Detective Wizard
lblWelcome2=The Malware Detective wizard reads information from your PC and sends it to PC Tools for further analysis.
lblWelcome3=Click "Next" to start data processing or "Cancel" to exit this Wizard.
lblWelcome4=We then use this information in conjunction with your description of the symptoms to create new signatures to include in [PRODUCTNAME]'s reference database.
lblWelcome5=Malware Detective should only be run if your computer is showing signs or symptoms of being infected with Malware or if our Support Team has asked you to run Malware Detective.
hlblDescription= <b>IntelliGuard Tools</b><br><br>The list on the left contains IntelliGuard tools that intercept any real-time attempts to compromise your computer. Select a tool of interest for more options.
hlblViewHistory= <a href="#">View History</a>
frmPageScan= System Scan
btnScanAction= Scan Now
frmPageScanOptions= System Scan
hlblScanCustomDescription= You have selected <b>Custom Scan</b>. Please select your choices within the custom scan options below and click the "Scan Now" button to begin. The scan time and effectiveness will depend on the choices you selected.
hlblScanFullDescription= You have selected <b>Full Scan</b>. [PRODUCTNAME] will scan all files on your drives, all running applications, startup files and other locations where infections are usually found. It will now check:<br><br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Running Processes<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Startup Locations<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Browser Cookies<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Browser Settings<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> The Windows Hosts File<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Windows Registry<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> ActiveX Objects<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Layered Service Providers (LSPs)<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> All Drives on this PC<br><br><br>This will provide the <b>maximum</b> chance of detecting and removing threats from your computer. For faster results, run the Intelli-Scan.
hlblScanPageTitle= Select the type of scan to run on your computer
hlblScanQuickDescription= You have selected <b>Intelli-Scan</b>. [PRODUCTNAME] will scan running applications, startup files and other locations where infections are usually found. It will now check:<br><br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Running Processes<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Startup Locations<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Browser Cookies<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Browser Settings<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> The Windows Hosts File<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Windows Registry<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> ActiveX Objects<br><IMG src="idx:0" align="top"> Layered Service Providers (LSPs)<br><br><br>This will ensure that most threats are detected and removed from your computer. However, it is recommended that you run a Full Scan at least once a week.
hlblSelectCheckpoint= <a href="#">Select which scanners to use in this scan...</a>
hlblSelectFolder= <a href="#">Select drives and folders to scan...</a>
rbCustomScan= Custom Scan
rbFullScan= Full Scan
rbQuickScan= Intelli-Scan
btnPause= Pause
btnStopScan= Stop Scan
hlblTitle= Scan in Progress...
lblScanningTitle= Scanning entry:
lblScanningTool= Scanning with the tool:
lblStaticCurrentScanner= Current Scanner:
lblStaticInfectionsFound= Infections found:
lblStaticIntelliSignatures= Intelli-signatures:
lblStaticItemsProcessed= Items processed:
lblStaticScanProgress= Scan progress:
lblStaticTotalScanTime= Estimated finish time:
lblStaticTracesFoundSoFar= Threats detected so far on your PC:
lvTraces=Threat Name, Infections, Risk Level
InfoDesellectAll= Deselect All
InfoSelectAll= Select All
actCheckAll= Check All
actFixChecked= Fix Checked
actHighRiskOnly= Select Elevated risk and higher
actInvertChecks= Invert Checks
actMoveToIgnoreList= Move Checked to Global Action List
actQuarantine= Move to Quarantine and Remove
actRemove= Remove Only
actShowDetails= Learn More About This Threat...
actSkip= Cancel
actUncheckAll= Uncheck All
btnFinish= Skip
btnFix= Fix Checked
cbRestorePointBeforeRemoval= Create "Restore Point" before removal
frmPageScanResult= Scan Results
hlblExtraInfo= To enable the advanced real-time protection features of [PRODUCTNAME], please <a href="#">click here to upgrade</a>.
hlblHideDetail= <a href="#">Hide Details</a>
hlblLearnMore= <IMG src="idx:1" align="middle"> <a href="#">Learn More About This Threat...</a>
sKernelCompatModeDisabled= Enable kernel compatibility mode (This feature requires an updated Windows Service Pack)
sRebootRequiredQuestion= Reboot is required for the new settings to take effect. Would you like to reboot your computer now?
sSUDisable= Do not check for updates
sSUDownloadInstallNotify= Download and install updates (notify me)
sSUDownloadInstallSilent= Download and install updates (silently)
sSUNotifyAvailable= Notify me about available updates
cbUseAuth= Use Proxy Authentication
frmPageSettingsGeneralProxy= Proxy Settings
gbMain= Proxy Server
hlblImport= <a href="0">Import settings from Internet Explorer</a>
lblPassword= Password:
lblPort= Proxy Port:
lblServer= Proxy Server:
lblUser= Username:
rbDirectConnect= Use Direct Connection
rbProxyServer= Use Proxy Server
sErrImportfailed= Import from IE Failed
sErrPassword= Invalid Password
sErrPort= Invalid Port. Port must be a number between 0 and 65536.
sErrServer= Invalid Server Address. Server must be a valid IP address or hostname.
sErrUsername= Invalid Username. Username must not be empty.
sMsgSaveChanges= Changes have been made. Would you like to save changes?
BtnAdd= Add
aChangeAction= Change Action to
aDoAllow= Allow
aDoBlock= Block
aDoPrompt= Prompt
aInvertSelection= Invert Selection
aRemove= Remove
aSelectAll= Select All
aUnselectAll= Unselect All
btnBack= Back
frmPageSettingsGlobalActionList= Global Action List
hlblDescription= Defines rules to allow or block actions and items.
hlblTitle= Global Action List
lvMain= Type,Name,Action,Duration
sErrorAddingToGAL= Error adding a new item to the global action list.
btnAdd= Add
btnCancel= Cancel
frmPageSettingsGlobalActionListNewItem= New Rule
hlblDescription= Here you can create a rule to allow, block or prompt you when a certain file, cookie or web site is detected.
hlblTitle= Add a New Rule to the Global Action List
lblFileApply= Apply the action below to the following file:
lblFileNameExample= <file name>
lblFolderApply= Apply the action below to the following folder:
lblFolderNameExample= <folder name>
lblScanAction= When the item above is scanned, do the following:
lblSelectDataType= Select data type:
lblWebSiteApply= Apply the action below to the following web site:
lblWebSiteExample= <www.website.com>
sDataTypeFileOnDisk= File on disk
sDataTypeFolderOnDisk= Folder on disk
sDataTypeWebsiteAddress= Web site address/cookie
sPickFolderToAdd= Pick a Folder to Add
sProvideValidWebAddress= Please provide a valid web site address.
sScanActionAllow= Always allow
sScanActionBlock= Always block
sScanActionPrompt= Prompt for action
aClearLogs= Clear History
aSaveLogs= Save to File
btnBack= Back
frmPageSettingsHistoryMalware= Activity History
hlblDescription= Displays important program activity and events, including scan results.
hlblTitle= History
lvMain= Date,Time,Summary
aInvertSelection= Invert Selection
aSelectAll= Select All
aUnselectAll= Unselect All
actDetail= Details...
actRemove= Remove...
actRestore= Restore...
frmPageSettingsQuarantine= Quarantine
hlblDescription= These items were quarantined to prevent further infection of your computer.
hlblTitle= Quarantine
lblDBReload= [PRODUCTNAME] is reloading the database, please wait...
lvMain= Quarantined DateTime,Quarantined Items,Threat Name
btnClose= Close
frmPageSettingsQuarantineDetails= Quarantined Item Detailed Information
hlblLearnMore= <IMG src="idx:0" align="middle"> <a href="#">Learn More About This Threat...</a>
lblThreatDescription= Threat Description:
lblTitle= This page displays detailed information about the quarantined item, including its name, size, when it was created and level of risk.
btnApply= Apply
cbSDNETStats= Send detection statistics
hlblDescription= Defines PC Tools Secure Community settings.
hlblSDNETDisclaimer= PC Tools Secure Community is a community of [PRODUCTNAME] users who have chosen to report potential malware to PC Tools. By enabling PC Tools Secure Community, you help us discover new threats more rapidly, which allows everyone to receive the most comprehensive protection possible. Participation is optional and any information submitted will be used solely for malware research purposes.
hlblTitle= PC Tools Secure Community
lblSDNET= PC Tools Secure Community is:
lblSDNETStats= This will anonymously send information about malware detected on your computer to use for statistical purposes. It will not send individual file names, your user name or any other data that could be used to identify you.
lblSuspiciousFileDetected= On suspicious file detected:
sSDNETAutoSubmit= Automatically submit
sSDNETDisable= <a href="1">OFF</a>
sSDNETDoNothing= Do nothing
sSDNETEnable= <a href="0">ON</a>
sSDNETPromptMe= Prompt me
btnApply= Apply
cbCheckAlternativeDataStreams= Scan Alternative Data Streams
cbCheckAlternativeDataStreams-hint= Alternate Data Streams (ADS) allows files to be stored on your computer in a way that is not normally visible.[CRLF]Selecting this option will check for threats in the ADS, however it may affect scanning speed.
cbCheckInsideArchiveFiles= Scan archives
cbCheckRootkitHiddenFiles= Scan for rootkit hidden files
cbCheckRootkitHiddenFiles-hint= Hidden files detection is based on heuristics. Therefore, when enabling this feature,[CRLF]you must check the scan results carefully.
cbCheckRootkitHiddenProcesses= Check for rootkit hidden processes
cbDisclaimer= Show disclaimer when repairing
cbInfoOnly= Include 'Information Only' low-level Threats in scan results
cbLowerScanPriority= Lower scan priority to reduce CPU usage
cbLowerScanPriority-hint= Turing this option off scans faster, but may affect your computer performance.
cbQuarantineBeforeClean= Quarantine infections before removal
cbRestorePointBeforeRemoval= Create "Restore Point" before removal
hlblDescription= [PRODUCTNAME]'s Tools allow you to view and alter areas of your system which are likely to be affected by malware infections.
hlblTitle= [PRODUCTNAME] Tools
lblLoading= Loading...
bbPurchaseOnline= Purchase Online
btnEvaluate= Continue
btnRegister= Register
htmlblRegistrationHelp= <a href="#">Need help registering?</a>
lblLicense= License:
lblName= Name:
lblState= You have used the software for %d day(s) out of 30.
lblText= To purchase the program please click "Purchase Online" or click "Continue" to access the trial version. Registered users please provide your registration and license information below to activate the full version.
bbActivate= Activate
btnEvaluate= Continue
btnPurchaseOnline= Purchase Online
htmlblRegistrationHelp= <a href="#">Need help activating?</a>
lblEmailAddress= Email Address:
lblLicense= Activation Code:
lblName= Name:
lblState= Enhanced program features require an activated version of [PRODUCTNAME].
lblText= To upgrade to the activated version please click Activate or click Continue to access the restricted version.
lblIntroduce= Please select the scanners that [PRODUCTNAME] will use in your Custom Scan:
miClearSelection= Clear &Selection
miSelectAll= Select &All
frmSplashScreen= [PRODUCTNAME]
lblProgress= Starting the program...
lblWarning= Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorised reproduction or distribution may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
actAbout= About
actEnableOnGuard= Enable IntelliGuard
actExit= Exit
actOpen= Open
actQuickStartGuide= Quick Start Guide
actShutDown= ShutDown
actStartCustomScan= Start Custom Scan
actStartFullScan= Start Full Scan
actStartQuickScan= Start Intelli-Scan
actStopScan= Stop Scan
actTellaFriend= Tell a Friend
ActivateLicenseBtn= Register
PurchaseNowBtn= Purchase Now
QuitBtn= Disable Protection
frmTrialExpired= Your trial has expired
hlblImportant= <b>Trial period expired!</b>
hlblMainMessage= This version of [PRODUCTNAME] is now expired and will be disabled. To ensure your computer continues to be protected from online threats purchase or register your copy of the award winning [PRODUCTNAME] now!<br><br>If you have already purchased [PRODUCTNAME], click the Register button and enter your licence code information to activate the full version.<br><br><b>Important:</b> By disabling [PRODUCTNAME]’s protection, you will not be protected against malicious online threats. In this case it is not recommended to perform transactions online, download files, open unknown e-mail attachments or any other activity which could leave your computer vulnerable to attack.
logUnImmunizedMsgItems= The ActiveX section has been Unimmunised, Processed %d items.
logUnImmunizedMsgNoItems= The ActiveX section has been Unimmunised. No items were processed.
logActivated= All IntelliGuards were Enabled
logDeactivated= All IntelliGuards were Deactivated %s
logDeactive10min= for 10min
logDeactive15min= for 15min
logDeactive30min= for 30min
logDeactive5min= for 5min
logDeactive60min= for 60min
logDeactiveNoTimeLimit= (permanently)
logGuardDisabled= IntelliGuard Protection: %s had been turned off
logGuardEnabled= IntelliGuard Protection: %s has been turned on
logGuardTitle= %s status changed
logTitle= IntelliGuards status
sNotifyPromptIntelliScanDesc= IntelliGuard has been enabled and will protect you from new infections. It is highly recommended that you run an Intelli-Scan to remove any existing infections.<br><br>Do you wish to run an Intelli-Scan now?
ScanCompleteMsgDetections= There were %d infections found on your system during a %s. Please open [PRODUCTNAME] to review the last scan results.
ScanCompleteMsgNoDetection= [PRODUCTNAME] completed a %s of your system and found no infections.
ScanCompleted= %s Completed
ScanDescriptionReboot= Reboot Scan
ScanDescriptionScheduled= Scheduled Scan
ScanDescriptionStartup= Startup Scan
ScanDescriptionUser= Scan
ScanTypeCustom= Custom Scan
ScanTypeFull= Full Scan
ScanTypeQuick= Intelli-Scan
ScanTypeSpecificFile= Specific-File Scan
NotiPromptOGMsg= IntelliGuard protects your PC from known infections by automatically blocking and removing them in real-time. You can turn IntelliGuard on or off at any time, and you can also allow or block specific items using the Global Action List.
NotiPromptOGQuestion= Do you want to activate IntelliGuard now?
NotiPromptOGTitle= IntelliGuard Protection
NotiDBMissingMsg= Signature Definition file not found, all Guards and Scanners are currently inactive. Smart Update is now downloading the latest updates.
NotiDBMissingQuestion= Signature Definition file not found, all Guards and Scanners are currently inactive. Run Smart Update in order to get updated. Would you like to run Smart Update Now?
NotiDBMissingTitle= Signature Definition Missing
LogSDDisabled= Spyware detection engine was disabled
LogSDEnabled= Spyware detection engine was enabled
LogSDHeader= Spyware Detection Engine
LogBlocked= Blocked
LogCustomScan= Custom Scan
LogDetails= Details
LogFullScan= Full Scan
LogInfection= Infection
LogInfectionLogSummary= Infection was detected on this computer
sNotifyDisableWINASDesc=Microsoft's Windows Defender is currently active. It is recommended that only one antispyware product should be running at a time. Would you like to disable Windows Defender?<br><br>Note: You can always re-enable Windows Defender at any time.
sNotifyDisableWINFWDesc=Microsoft's Windows Firewall is currently active. It is recommended that only one firewall product should be running at a time. Would you like to disable Windows Firewall? <br><br>Note: you can always re-enable Windows Firewall at any time.
sAllowNextTime= Allow
sBlockNextTime= Block
sBlockedSiteText= %s has blocked access to the <B>bad website</B>:<BR><BR>[wrap]%s[/wrap]<BR><BR>To allow next time, click <b>Allow</b>
sBlockedSiteTitle= Blocked access to %s
sBlockedTrackingCookieText= %s has blocked the <B>tracking cookies</B> from the web site:<BR><BR>[wrap]%s[/wrap]<BR><BR>To allow next time, click <b>Allow</b><BR><BR><A HREF="#DisableCookieAlerts">Disable alerts</A>
sBlockedTrackingCookieTitle= Blocked Tracking Cookie from %s
sElevatedThreatBlockedText= %s has blocked the elevated risk threat <B>%s</B>.<BR><BR>To allow next time, click <b>Allow</b>. Tick the box to remember your answer.
sHighThreatBlockedText= %s has blocked the high risk threat <B>%s</B>.<BR><BR>To allow next time, click <b>Allow</b>. Tick the box to remember your answer.
sHighThreatBlockedTitle= High Risk Level Threat Blocked
sKeepAllowing= Allow
sKeepBlocking= Block
sLowThreatBlockedText= %s has blocked the low risk threat <B>%s</B>.<BR><BR>To allow next time, click <b>Allow</b>. Tick the box to remember your answer.
sMediumThreatBlockedText= %s has blocked the medium risk threat <B>%s</B>.<BR><BR>To allow next time, click <b>Allow</b>. Tick the box to remember your answer.
sMediumThreatBlockedTitle= Medium Risk Level Threat Blocked
sPotentiallyUnwantedText= %s has detected but not blocked the potentially unwanted product <B>%s</B>.<BR><BR>To block next time, click <b>Block</b>. Tick the box to remember your answer.
sRememberAnswerForCookie= Permanently remember my answer for this cookie
sRememberAnswerForSite= Permanently remember my answer for this site
sRememberAnswerForThreat= Permanently remember my answer
sGALThreatBlockedTitle= [PRODUCTNAME] Alert
sGALThreatBlockedText= A threat has been blocked by [PRODUCTNAME].[CRLF]Click here for more information.
sGALThreatAllowedTitle= [PRODUCTNAME] Alert
sGALThreatAllowedText= A threat has been allowed by [PRODUCTNAME].[CRLF]Click here for more information.
hlblPrivacyHint= We do not share your information with anyone without your consent.
frmNoDB = [PRODUCTNAME] - Updates Required
lblNoDB = The malware removal databases for [PRODUCTNAME] have not been installed and must be downloaded before the product can be used. Please run Smart Update to download the malware removal databases now.